“Le tuairim is 15,000 daoine fásta gach bliain pháirteach i gcláir foirmiúil agus pobalbhunaithe agus cláir breisoideachas sa chontae agus tar éis níos mó nó 1,200 ag freastal le gairid i Leitir Ceanainn ar an Aonach d’Fhoghlaimeoirí Fásta – is cinnte go bhfuil méadú ar éileamh ar sheirbhísí oideachais do dhaoine fásta i nDún na nGall”.- a deir Cróna Gallagher, Oifigeach Oideachas Aosaigh le CGCDnG. Seo an Preas Ráiteasina iomláine.
Glac an deis le hamharc ar an Amchlár sa Chontae seo leis an Fhéile seo agus feic fós ar roinnt scéalta fíor ó dhaoine sa chontae seo atá tar éis dul trí na Seirbhísí Oideachais Aosaigh go dtí seo.
Cliceáil ar na hainmneacha cuí le chluinstin éachtaí agus na taithí a fuarthas le Oideachas Aosaigh: Seo Paul Mahon :-
Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil leis na hionaid chuí de réir an clárama agus le tuilleadh eolais leanúnach ar Chláir Oideachais Aosaigh do chuid Coiste Gairmoideachais Contae Dhún na nGall, faigh i dteagmháil le Rose Duffy ag 074 9178088.
Táimid ag tnúth le do láthair ag na himeachtaí i rith na seachtaine seo chugainn!![/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]The annual AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival event is scheduled for next week from 20th – 24th February. To celebrate this event Adult Education Community Providers and Co.Donegal VEC’s Adult Education Service have a number of events scheduled to take place throughout the county aimed at providing information to adult learners, showcasing the value of adult learning and celebrating the achievements of adult learners who have come through the process.
“An estimated 15,000 adults are involved annually in formal and community based adult and further education programmes in the county and more than 1,200 attended the recent Adult Learner Fair in Letterkenny – all this points to an increase in demand for adult education services in Donegal”.– says Cróna Gallagher, Adult Education Officer with Donegal VEC. Please see full Press Release.
Please take the opportunity to view the Adult Learners’ Festival Timetable for Donegal and to listen to the selection below of some real lifetestimonials of achievement from around the county, from people who have availed of the Adult Education Services to date.
Click on the individual names below to listen to their experiences with Adult Education: Here is Paul Mahon :- –
For further information please contact the relevant centres from the timetable. For ongoing information on VEC Adult Education Programmes, contact Rose Duffy at the Donegal Adult Learner Guidance Service (074 9178088).
We look forward to your attendance throughout the week of events!![/lang_en-uk]