Donegal ETB seeks to encourage, promote and acknowledge excellence by recognising learners and staff for either group or individual achievements or projects.

The Donegal ETB Awards encourages a more innovative community of learners throughout Donegal ETB. We are delighted this year also to include the special category ‘Remembering 1916’ as part of the awards process. There is also a new format to the awards with four categories overall.
The Four Categories include:
- A) ‘Remembering 1916’
- B) Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering (STEM)
- C) Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- D) Health and Well Being
This year each school/centre/programme may enter two projects, one in each of two categories from the four (e.g. a school may choose to enter a project in ‘Remembering 1916’ and in the ‘Health and Well Being’ categories). Each project will complete an application form submitted in advance. The projects will be the subject of an open style exhibition and each project will have a maximum of two students at each stand during the adjudication time. An external panel of judges will visit each stand to assess the project.
A team of judges with a particular interest in the different areas will consider the nominated initiatives/projects and select the winning submission in each category on the day. Awards will be judged on quality, merit, impact and presentation. Entries can be submitted by those involved in the project or by any member of Donegal ETB staff, student or learner/trainee body at any time up to the closing date of 12 noon on Friday 8th April 2016.
All projects submitted must be countersigned by the Principal, Centre Director or Manager of the programme before submission.
For further information please contact and/or visit our website at
Download Brochures here. (English) (Irish)
Download application material here. (Forms in both English and Irish.)