Ionad FET Leitir Ceanainn
(Bóthar an Phoirt)

Tá Ionad Oideachais agus Oiliúna (FET), Leitir Ceanainn lonnaithe ar an Bóthar an Phoirt. Cuireann an t-ionad réimse cúrsaí lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha ar fail d’fhoghlaimeoirí ó Leitir Ceanainn agus ó cheantair máguaird i dtimpeallacht foghlama atá sábháilte agus tacúil.

Tá formhór na gcúrsaí creidiúnaithe ag Dearbhú Cáilíochta agus Cáilíochtaí Éireann (QQI) nó ag comhlachtaí creidiúnúcháin eile, macasamhail City & Guilds agus tá na cáilíochtaí dírithe ar thionscal ar leith. Tig leo maireachtáil ar feadh roinnt seachtainí nó suas le dhá bhliain.

Tig le foghlaimeoirí tosú ag leibhéal a aithníonn a scileanna reatha agus tig leo leas a bhaint as an bhealach dul chun cinn is fearr a oireann dóibh.

Cuirtear réimse clár ar fáil san Ionad de réir.


Sonraí Teagmhála

Ionad FET Leitir Ceanainn (Bóthar an Phoirt)
Bóthar an Phoirt
Leitir Ceanainn
Co. Dhún na nGall
F92 WEW8

Guthán: 074 9706047

Bainisteoir Ionad FET: Charles Gorney

Riarthóir: Diane Carson

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Here are some of the things people have said about us…

It was a huge decision by me to return to full time education in 1997 to sit my Leaving Certificate with Donegal ETB in Letterkenny under the VTOS Programme. The course gave me great confidence and I was so grateful to get a second chance in education.  The staff and all the team in the ETB were very supportive and gave me great encouragement. My results in Letterkenny enabled me to progress to Tralee IT , University of Ulster, Jordanstown and also John Moore’s University in Liverpool and eventually pursue a career in professional sport.

Jim McGuinness

I was an early school leaver and would do any job but was never satisfied.  I had five young children at the time and decided to do my Leaving Certificate. Donegal ETB and the crèche facility onsite allowed me the opportunity to return to education. I continued after my Leaving Certificate to go to LYIT and completed an honours degree in computer science. Currently I am employed as a full-time teacher of Mathematics and IT in Errigal College Letterkenny

Janet McGeever / Errigal College

We both left school at an early age, with no qualifications We heard about a course the Donegal ETB were offering, which was full time, tailored for adults, particularly early school leavers, offering them a chance to study for their leaving certificate and so we secured our places on the course.The relaxed, informal environment along with amazing teaching staff made learning fun again. And after completing our leaving certificate, we continued our studies at LYIT and both obtained degrees.We both found employment afterwards, I was employed for a time as a lab technician and Noel is currently employed as a General Nurse in Letterkenny General Hospital.

Noel & Michelle Cullen / Buncrana